Month: November 2013

  • Bittersweet Peace

    My mother was not allowed to speak with her father. So we never knew him, up till his death.

    When I was six, my dad’s dad passed away. A year later, I remember him calling my brother and I to the bedroom and he told us his mother had followed him.

    So all my life, I have only ever had one grandparent.

    My grandmother is a special person. Not necessarily a special person in society, but she has been a special influence in my mother’s life. My mother has always been afraid of her mother. But she loved her. And she was fiercely loyal to her.

    That was what my grandmother did. She bred fighter’s loyalty–

    My mother usually would go to see her mother every year. last year, when I had been living with her mother, she did not. I got to know my grandmother more then, and I went to visit her every week or so and we’d watch TV or just chat. I had, however, inherited my fear of my grandmother from my mother. And every time I waited in her elevator lobby, I would stand there and literally debate with myself whether or not I wanted to go up and put on my granddaughter face.

    My mom finally got a call from her publisher to go back to her home town and work on her book. She did that with some fear, not ready to see her family. But buckling down and being brave, she went. During this time, she mended her relationship with her brother, enforced a relationship with her sister and more importantly, got over her fear of her mother.

    She called me to say she had spent time with her– had a good conversation with her. She was happy to talk to her mother.

    A week after that… yesterday… Mom told me that Popo had passed away. I wonder if I will miss her…




    I’m happy for my mom. I’m also happy that my brother got to see my grandma too. and after all the struggling, I’m kind of happy for my grandmother.



    That being said… let the real drama begin.

  • November ’13

    What a weird week.

    Middle of a weird month.

    I’m not really paying attention. I’m just staring at my screen blankly not sure if I should be relaxed, sad, excited or really excited.

    But that’s just me….

    I’m more concerned about my mother.

  • Friendscaping


    Going through your social network friend list and trimming the ones you don’t want anymore.
    -Jin was so tired of all the ridiculously obnoxious facebook news feeds that she spent a weekend friendscaping.
     –(mostly from)
  • “Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Only assholes do that.”  -Haruki Murakami

  • So. Matt Walsh is a terrible person.

    Yes, I have judged a stranger.

    But only because he’s gone off and judged EVERYONE who is not a staunch believer in the faith of which he subscribes (And he’s judged a lot of others who are believers of his faith). And though I understand how and why he came to his conclusions (and sometimes I even agree with his fundamental statements), his manner of speak and his utter disrespect for altering opinions has made me unhappy to have ever come across his work.

    But really, I have no personal problem with Mr Walsh. He is a man who I will most likely ever met, and don’t care to ever know. What gets me are the people in my life who share his opinions as if they are diamonds of wisdom in a world filled with coal.  And it hurts me to find that there are people who want to share this sentiment of intolerance as if it is manna of what is good in the world. It is as if the only way to change people for the better is to be cruel and opinionated.

    I never understood why people felt the need to belittle others in order to change their minds. I was taught to love a sinner into the kingdom: this seems to be so logical to me. And so it was also the reason I disassociated myself with the church.

    So I digress, the reason I went on here was to complain about Mr. Walsh. My point is, you should not emulate people who hate. That is dangerous for you. That is dangerous for society. And honestly, it makes you look like a closed minded tool. If you are to emulate the attitudes and actions of someone who is out to change minds and create spiritual awareness, I vote you use Pope Francis.

    okay… I have joined the mass millions who have now considered Pope Francis ‘the man’. And you know what, I’m not ashamed that I like him. I’m not Catholic, and yet he makes me want to follow him– he makes me want to treat people according to his examples.

    And one thing you would never hear him say (at least to the media) is: “that person’s a heathen and a lost cause! So do everything in your power to belittle their beliefs!”


    He’s awesome.


    So people.  Less encouragement to the haters that fall under the same category Matt Walsh. And more doing according the perspective and examples of people like Pope Francis. Less obsession over what makes man a worse creature than you– and more acceptance of the flaws of humanity so that you can love it to change.

    Just an opinion.

  • How the hell does work last so long?

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