Month: February 2014

  • I have a date planned.

    And it’s going to be epic. I only wish that I could get some time to soak in the moment of it.


    But oh, it’s a secret, Shuuuuush.

    Continue reading

  • Etiquette

    “I’m not rude, I’m honest. I just speak what’s on my mind, even if most can’t handle the truth.”

    Dumbest statement in the history of dumb statements.  Please note, hyperbole. But still, the very crux of this phrase just irks the hell out of me.

    Firstly, you don’t assume one thinks you’re rude unless you know what you have to say is… well… rude. On that note, just cause you think it doesn’t mean you have to say it. Being able to chose when to speak and when not to speak is a skill you are supposed to glean as you get older. Brutality in honest is a childish thing and speaking your mind when no one else cares what you think is just immature.

    Secondly, I take offence to this phrase because it debases honesty to become an excuse for being rude. In my opinion, a virtue should never be used to excuse poor etiquette. It may be an explanation for, or an insight to why someone feels justified to act short. But reasons are reasons, not excuses.

    Most importantly, I believe that being honest and being rude are two completely independent items from each other. I think that a lot of people equate ‘rudeness’ with ‘honesty’ but the honesty should be dependent on fact, and the other dependent on attitude. I believe that honesty shouldn’t excuse rudeness.

    I guess I think it shouldn’t be acceptable to be rude, especially when you’re honest. Rudeness is an attitude. Honesty is an action.

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